Wednesday 13 March 2013

The Company Champion Terence Kolstad

When you hear the word “champion,” what do you think about? Most people think of a champion as an individual who is the best of the best. Champions are winners, victors, and titleholders. Terence Kolstad is someone who is known as a “champion,” but with an interesting twist – he is known as the “champion” of a particular software service, Microsoft Office 365. This simple fact makes him a very important person in the professional world of technical engineering. 

The problems that arise in the technical world often require very unique solutions, some of which have never been recorded. The field of technology is constantly changing, so it’s important to record solutions so that others may benefit from them in the future. Terence Kolstad records his technical solutions on a daily basis, and his colleagues turn to him for assistance when they run into unique problems with any software service but particularly with Microsoft Office 365. 

Terence Kolstad has established himself as a “champion” of Microsoft Office 365. His coworkers attest to his mastery of the software service, and they definitely seek Terence Kolstad’s advice when they encounter problems in Microsoft Office 365 with which they are unfamiliar. Terence Kolstad stands out among average technical technicians because he is superbly dedicated to helping people and businesses utilize their software programs to their maximum performance. 

Even beyond the workplace, Terence Kolstad is a champion because he is dedicated to going above and beyond what is expected of him by giving of his time and energy to the community as well as his family.  
Next year, Terence Kolstad plans to do even more volunteer work. He is even thinking about speaking about his technical engineering skills at a local event.

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