Thursday 28 March 2013

Philanthropist Terence Kolstad

When it comes to philanthropy, Terence Kolstad is no stranger. He has been dedicating his time to improving the material, social, and spiritual welfare of the people of his community for years. In fact, anyone who knows Terence Kolstad can attest to the fact that he is a kind-natured and enthusiastic man who is dedicated to helping other people at all times. 

Over the years, Terence Kolstad has done numerous things to help the people of his community. As a young man he found it important to pick up trash along highways and sort the recyclables. Over the years, his passion for helping grew to encompass frequent visits to local nursing homes and retirement communities, where he was always eager to lend a helping hand. Whether an elderly member of the community needed her grass mowed or weeds pulled, Terence Kolstad was always there to help. Eventually, his yearning for philanthropy grew to providing monetary donations to various causes. Today, he participates and helps promote the MuckRuckus events in Wisconsin, which raises money to help those who are struggling with Multiple Sclerosis. 

Today, Terence Kolstad’s good nature can be seen in the workplace as well. He dedicated his life to a career that requires him to help people on a daily basis. Terence Kolstad naturally loves to lend a helping hand, so a career in technical engineering was a perfect fit. Every day Terence Kolstad is able to help people solve their problems, and that even pertains to his colleagues! He is known in the workplace as a man who will help his fellow co-worker solve a problem. All of his present and current colleagues can attest to his kind nature and willingness to help solve a problem. Even if it is not a project that was not assigned to him, Terence Kolstad will help.

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